Offered Programs

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KPI based Performance Management System

KPI based Performance Management System

Certified HR Business Partner – CHRBP

Certified HR Business Partner – CHRBP

Certified HR Process Auditor – CHRPA

Certified HR Process Auditor – CHRPA

Certified Human Resource Professional - CHRP

Certified Human Resource Professional - CHRP

Certified Organizational Development Analyst – CODA

Certified Organizational Development Analyst – CODA

Certified Human Resource Analyst - CHRA

Certified Human Resource Analyst - CHRA

Manager as Coach

Manager as Coach

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Farhan has worked with more than 5+ affiliates
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Trained over 2,000 professionals nationwide
0 cities
Delivered programs & trainings in over 50 cities

In-house Training Solutions, Performance Coaching. Skill Development.
HR Consulting. Organization Development Interventions to Improve productivity.

Why choose me?

To create and maintain strategically aligned business relationships

To architect innovative & creative solutions to all change challenges

To engage in effective, open, respectful communication practices

To establish, benchmark and maintain high service levels

To being goal-driven, approachable & accountable

To lead by example, in all facets of leadership

Customer Success

Some Key Clients

what our customers have to say about Farhan