1. Set objective of reading for example “I want to learn about “Real estate Investment”, reading is not an objective, Objective is to learn something new.
2. Set reading target for example “30 minutes” or 25 pages to read on daily basis, if you read
“60 minutes” or 50 pages on daily basis, you can complete a book on weekly basis as on average a book contains 250 to 300 pages
3. Set a dedicated reading time, just like sleeping time, eating time etc.
4. Share what you read, share everywhere social media, friends, peers, boss etc.
5. Make notes what you read, take snaps, write pointers etc.
6. Read it sprints. Set a timer for 20-minutes and then read in 20-minute sprints. Reading in a 20-minute sprint prevents my mind from wandering.
7. Use technology for your advantage. Download books on your mobile, audio books for your car, listen audio books again and again to digest it.
8. Read books in your mother tongue build habit first and later read it in English or any other language.
9. Read best-selling books, multiple topics, futurist topics etc.
10. Time is always available. Change the way, borrow reading time from something less important, watching TV, using Facebook for no use, chatting on whatsapp without purpose, sleeping without timetable, etc.
Reading must become as natural as eating and breathing to you. It’s not something you do because you feel like it, but because it’s a reflex, a default.
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